Elms Road, Elms Avenue and Burlington Road
1.1 The proposal at this location is to change the current one-way system on Burlington Road. Burlington Road is currently one-way eastbound from Elms Road to Elms Avenue and two-way between Elms Road and Terminus Road. It is proposed that the section of Burlington Road between Elms Road and Elms Avenue would be made two-way and the section between Terminus Road and Elms Road being made one-way eastbound. Vehicular access to Burlington Road Car Park and Elms Road would be via Burlington Road. The traffic movements on Elms Avenue and Elms Road will remain the same as present.
1.2 One objection has been received from a local resident who believed that the potholes in this area would make it unsuitable for the proposals without maintenance.
1.3 The one-way system is required as part of the Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2b proposals in order to reverse the flow of traffic on Terminus Road.
1.4 In response to the objection submitted, the resident was provided with the contact details and process for reporting a pothole to East Sussex Highways.
1.5 Having considered the objection in relation to Burlington Road, Elms Road and Elms Avenue element of the scheme, officers are satisfied that there are not sufficient grounds for the proposal to be withdrawn.
1.6 Recommendation: To not uphold the objection and install the proposal as advertised.
Terminus Road
1.7 The proposal at this location is to:
1.8 Eleven representations were in support of the scheme.
1.9 Three objections were in relation to Eastbourne Borough Council’s funding bid for the project. These were not considered relevant to the Traffic Regulation Order and so have been discounted at this stage.
1.10 Eight objections have been received from local residents who believe that if the proposed change goes ahead, it will be to the detriment of cyclists who would need to park their cycles at the cycle parking provided within the scheme.
1.11 Due to the width of Terminus Road, Local Transport Note (LTN) 1/20 advises that there should not be shared space for people who cycle and pedestrians. Officers have also considered the footfall in this area of the town centre and there would be safety concerns for pedestrians if cycling was permitted within the restrictions to Terminus Road. Cycle parking will be provided at entry points into this section of Terminus Road and cyclists will be asked to dismount and park their cycles or dismount and push through.
1.12 Separate to the proposals that form part of Phase 2b of the Movement and Access Package, East Sussex County Council is also working on the development and delivery of other walking and cycling packages within Eastbourne Town Centre which will provide an alternative cycling route from Eastbourne Station to the Seafront. These include an on road route from the station via Old Orchard Road and the Little Chelsea area, the Devonshire area and theatres, and Wilmington Square. This scheme is currently at the detailed design stage and is programmed for construction in 2025/26. East Sussex County Council are also continuing to explore options for improving active travel as part of the relocation of the northern and western sections of the Ring Road from Ashford Road and Susans Road to The Avenue/Upper Avenue and Cavendish Place respectively.
1.13 Two objections have been received from local residents who believe that if the proposed change goes ahead, the new blue-badge parking would make it difficult to access the businesses on Terminus Road.
1.14 Part of the proposals within this scheme involve the relocation of 2 blue badge parking spaces on Seaside Road, at the northern end of this section of Terminus Road, from the southern side to the northern side of the road. This will continue to provide blue-badge parking close to this section of Terminus Road as part of the overall enhancement to the pedestrian environment in this part of the town centre. There is also blue badge parking available at the Beacon shopping centre, Grand Parade (seafront side), Trinity Place multi-storey car park and on Burlington Road.
1.15 Two objections have been received from local residents who believe that if the proposed change goes ahead, the change in bus route might be difficult.
1.16 In order to fully pedestrianise the Victoria Place section of Terminus Road, the bus route number 99 will be diverted from Terminus Road to Devonshire Place. This will result in the removal of the northbound bus stop in Terminus Road and the westbound bus stop outside the British Heart Foundation/Premier Inn. The new proposed route will go along Grand Parade and Devonshire Place instead and this diversion route has been in place previously when Victoria Place has been closed for events.
1.17 It is suggested that passengers with limited mobility or a disability who use the route 99 bus service use the exit at the Grand Parade bus stops near Eastbourne Pier or opposite the Mansion Hotel to access Victoria Place and the southern section of Terminus Road.
1.18 One objection has been received from a local resident in relation to the removal of on-street parking.
1.19 Part of the proposals within this scheme involve the removal of approximately 21 existing on street parking spaces on Terminus Road and enables the benefits of the project to be achieved. This includes reducing through traffic and providing more space for people walking between the rail station, town centre and seafront on this busy section of Terminus Road which has a high footfall. In addition, there is equally accessible off street parking elsewhere in the town centre at the Beacon shopping centre and Trinity Place multi-storey car park as well as on-street in the roads around this section of Terminus Road.
1.20 One objection has been received from a local resident who believes a more suitable proposal would be a 10 mile per hour speed limit.
1.21 The County Council’s policy for setting speed limits is set out in PS05-02 and is in accordance with Government guidance. This advises that the national speed limit on street-lit roads in England is 30mph and local highway authorities should only consider introducing 20mph limits in certain circumstances. There is no guidance for local highways authorities to introduce lower speed limits such as the suggested 10mph limit.
1.23 Having considered the above objections in relation to the Terminus Road element of the scheme, officers are satisfied that there are not sufficient grounds for the proposals to be withdrawn.
1.24 Recommendation: To not uphold the objections and install the proposals, in part, as advertised.